Affordable Cloud Hosting
Affordable Cloud Hosting is the hosting industry leader in reliable and affordable cloud hosting. If you need assistance migrating your data and applications to the cloud, or need help managing your new cloud server, our experienced cloud hosting engineers are available to you on a 24/7 basis to ensure a seamless transition. If you are ready to purchase a cloud hosting package, please use our sign up link: Cloud Hosting
The Cloud Hosting Platform:
The cloud hosting platform offered by Affordable Cloud Hosting allows you to provision and launch virtual machine instances loaded with the operating system of your choice with a few simple clicks. Once provisioned, our secure virtual machines are fully-scalable up or down to meet the fluctuating demands of your business. This flexibility allows businesses to save on IT costs by avoiding the necessity of having to spend on the over-provisioning of IT infrastructure in order to meet temporary or seasonal spikes in demand for your services.
Leverage the Power of Cloud Hosting:
Affordable Cloud Hosting allows start-ups, developers and enterprises to drastically reduce costs associated with a data-center build-out or the leasing of traditional servers or hosting solutions and have essentially unlimited computing and storage capacity available to you on an as-needed basis.
Maximum Flexibility Of Cloud Hosting:
At Affordable Cloud Hosting we understand that in order to realize the full benefits of cloud hosting or grid computing, businesses must have maximum flexibility to move their data, information and applications in a variety of ways, including from our cloud to physical servers housed at your office or another data-center (virtual-to-physical or V2P), from our cloud to another cloud (virtual-to-virtual or V2V), or from your physical servers to the our cloud hosting (physical-to-virtual or P2V). Our cloud computing platform was architected with open standards and a mind towards interoperability. We also provide tools and 24/7 tech support to enable you to move from P2V, V2V or V2P at anytime or in any manner dictated by the demands of your business.